Ok. Kali ni saya nak share pasal Kehamilan Luar Rahim atau nama lainnya Ectopic Pregnancy. Mungkin ramai yang tak aware dengan benda ni. Mungkin ada yang pernah dengar term ni, tapi tak tau apa bendanya. Betul kan?
Me too. Langsung tak pernah tahu apa itu kehamilan luar rahim. And even worst tak pernah dengar pun.
Mungkin disebabkan ketidak tahuan saya, Allah nak bagi saya ambil tahu, Allah bagi saya experienced sendiri what ectopic pregnancy is.
Ectopic pregnancy adalah sangat menyakitkan bila lambat detect. In my case, during my 5th week of pregnancy, saya dapat rasa macam sakit sangat di sebelah kiri abdomen. Without suspecting anything, I went to the clinic and the doctor diagnosed saya mengalami UTI (Uterine Track Infection). Masa tu, I was given Mixture of Pottasium Citrate to neutralize back my urine. It tastes so bad. Tak sedap.
After 2 weeks, sakit yang sama datang balik. Di tempat yang sama juga. Malam itu malam Jumaat. Husband pulang lewat sedikit dari biasa. Saya tak ada selera untuk dinner. Bercampur dengan perut yang berangin and saya sebenarnya ada gastrik. The pain became worst. After Isyak, I called my husband. Seriously I can't bear the pain anymore. Subhanallah. Sakit.
Husband brought me to the clinic and the doctor suspected ectopic pregnancy. He directly wrote a referral letter to UMMC. At UMMC, I was directly sent to emergency room. My very 1st experience masuk emergency room dalam keadaan sakit.
Scan macam biasa, doc tanya 'are you sure you are pregnant?' masa tu hancur luluh hati ni. Doc cakap lagi yang rahim saya kosong. It might be ectopic. Saya dah blur-blur fikirkan apa itu ectopic. Then doc request untuk scan thru vagina. Normally in 7-8 weeks pregnancy, scanning thru vagina memang boleh nampak the sac. And if you are lucky, dapat tengok the baby's heart beating.
TVS (Transvaginal Scan) adalah menggerunkan. Mungkin sebab saya dalam kesakitan masa tu. Kalau tak sakit, mungkin cuma rasa tak selesa sebab something was inserted thru our vagina. Tak nampak juga sac. And doc dapati macam ada some fluids inside there. She suspected that yang kat dalam tu dah pecah and I need an emergency operation before I loss lots of blood.
Unfortunately, OT (Operation Theatre) was not available plus the specialist too. So, saya kena puasa and akan dioperate keesokan hari. Malam tu, saya menahan sakit keseorangan. Husband tak dibenarkan untuk jaga saya kerana wad tersebut wad sakit puan.
The next day, sakit semakin bertambah. Saya menahan sakit dalam tangisan yang tak bersuara. Cepat-cepat saya lap bila airmata keluar. Tak sanggup rasanya nak menambahkan susah hati husband.
And petang tu saya selamat. Alhamdulillah.
Ok. Itu experience saya. Now, let we learn what ectopic pregnancy is about.
According to WebMD, Ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg attaches somewhere other than in the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube (tubal pregnancy). When a fertilized egg attaches to a fallopian tube, it can be dangerous because the pregnancy can break into blood vessels. In a simple sentence, we can say that ectopic pregnancy ni boleh berlaku bila pergerakan sel yang dah disenyawakan itu adalah tidak lengkap. It stopped and implanted at the wrong place.
Ectopic pregnancy can damage the fallopian tube, which can make it difficult to become pregnant in the future.
Ectopic pregnancies are usually detected early enough to prevent deadly complications such as severe bleeding. A ruptured ectopic pregnancy requires emergency surgery to prevent heavy bleeding into the abdomen. The affected tube is partially or fully removed. - Sama macam kes saya.
Read what happens in ectopic pregnancy.
Read what causes ectopic pregnancy.
Advanced fertility Centre of Chicago pulak kata, Ectopic Pregnancy can be defined as a pregnancy with the fertilized embryo implanted on any tissue other than the uterine lining. 95% of ectopics are in the tube, 1.5% abdominal, 0.5% ovarian and 0.03% are in the cervix.
Symptoms and signs of Ectopic Pregnancy yang saya dapat rasa;
1. Cramp pada lower abdomen. (Macam period pain kot)
2. UPT +ve macam orang yang normal pregnancy cuma 2nd line saya appear sangat lambat and blur. Imagine, saya test pagi-pagi. After dah balik kerja petang tu baru nampak.
3. Shoulder pain. Ini terjadi sebab bleeding kat dalam abdomen under the diaphragm. The bleeding irritates the diaphragm and is experienced as shoulder pain.
4. Normal symptoms for pregnant women. I experience this one. Macam delayed period, fatigue, frequent urinating, etc.
5. Abnomial pain which is more severe on the left side where the fertilized egg implanted.
Ini antara signs yang saya dapat rasa. Other than that, kawan-kawan boleh refer kat sini.
About the medication pulak, macam dalam kes saya ni, surgery adalah yang paling relevant lah sebab the tube has ruptured already. In case of dapat detect awal, a medicine called Methotrexate will be given to the patient to terminate the pregnancy. More info, directly go here. Ectopic pregnancy can be detected earlier before it damages your organs. So, as soon as you got +ve for UPT, please go to the clinic and request for a scan. It helps a lot. Saya selalu pesan kat kawan-kawan.
About the chances of getting pregnant again after ectopic pregnancy, some sources said that getting pregnant after ectopic can be difficult. TAPI, as a Muslim, kita serah semuanya pada ALLAH. Sebab, all these things happen for reasons. Betul tak? No matter what people say, Allah is still The Very Best Planner. Allah Maha Tahu segalanya.Macam kes saya, (bukan nak proud or being arrogant ke apa ye...just for info) I took 1 month gap before getting pregnant again and it was unexpected but it was planned (HIHIHI). Seriously. UNEXPECTED. Yes, we are trying hard to conceive again sebab we really want to have a baby but we never expected that ALLAH gave us this little miracle secepat ini. Plus my husband's friends are now having their 2nd and 3rd baby already. Huhu. Alhamdulillah, memang syukur sangat-sangat and I really hope that this pregnancy will succeed till I deliver this little miracle. Untuk kisah yang lebih detail, sila rujuk kisah ini. Tak tau macamana dah nak express rasa syukur ni. Memang speechless.
Fuhhh.. Panjangnya. Tarik nafas kejap....
Tahniah kerana membaca sehingga ke perenggan ini. Huhu. Entri bakal tamat. Tapi saya nak ingatkan sahabat-sahabat semua, once you got +ve, tolonglah immediately pegi scan. Ectopic adalah sangat sakit. Lebih sakit bila doc decided untuk remove one of the tubes. Makan dalam beb. Orang lain tak rasa. Kita je yang rasa sorang. Rasa macam useless sangat bila hilang 1 tube. Rasa macam tak ada harapan nak bagi zuriat pada suami lagi. Seriously. Apa pun, sentiasa ingatlah yang Allah sentiasa bersama kita. Berdoa dan terus berdoa.
owh...sakit menggerunkan......semoga kamu tabah yek..
@hanidatul shatira thanks.. :) alhamdulillah, semakin tabah setelah diuji sebegini. :)
bulan 2 dulu pun sy ectopic. only sedar bile dah pecah, and terus immediately operate.
lambat detect smp doc mara. die siap tanye, tak sakit ke. erm, tak. thats y dah pecah br pegi check.
I'm sure this post will really help people out there who've been facing the same problem. :)
seriously tak sakit? langsung tak rasa apa2 ke? Ya Allah, mine was so terrible. Sakit sangat sampai muntah2. Memang kena emergency operate.. Huuuu. Hopefully tak berulang lagi.. Take care mommy S.. >.<
@vv hopefully dear. Kalau boleh tanak bagi orang lain rasa apa yang aini rasa. It was really bad. Lambat detect je, dah jadi tak normal without one of my tube.. T_T
bukan la tak sakit. cume tak berapa sakit kot. camne nk kate eh. takde la sakit sampai golek2.
die mcm gastrik tak gastrik. kebetulan pulak time tu balik umah MIL, so mmg wat tatau je la. malas nk mengadu kat hubby, takut derang igt i mengada2 plak.
yg i ingat, sakit die sekalik je. mcm kene cucuk pisau tajam. tp abaikan, sbb kebetulan hubby terlanggar lubang time tu. lepas tu takde la sakit. g check pun, sbb dah 2bulan tak period. kekonon nk wat surpriseee " u r pregnant!"
hah, sekalik amik ubat! ok, terpanjang plak membebel
aaaaa.. exactly.. sakit macam cucuk pisau tajam. kan? memang berpeluh2. masa tu kat ofis. akak ofis tu tanya, "ko ada rasa kua ape2 tak kot bawah tu?"
dia suspect miscarriage la kot.. akak2 ofis dlu memang sgt caring lah. :)
huhu..cuak gak bila bce ni..tq 4 sharing..baru nk masuk 6 mggu..doc suruh dtg scan bulan 2..
@Shakina Farhan
kina, insyaALLAH kalau UPT jelas, xde masalah. akak punye UPT dlu pagi test, petang baru visible tau. tu pun sangat faint.
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