Monday, October 15, 2012

Separation Anxiety melanda

Kecewa sebab tak dapat join gathering supermoms yesterday. -_-"

Sekarang, berbalik ke tajuk asal.
I did mention about that in the previous entry.
Now, my baby is having that behaviour. Ohhhh. Hardly to handle that since she only needs MOM whenever and wherever it is.

Mom went to kitchen, she's being cranky, yelling out loud, crying like she's been beaten up. Fuh. Anak. Anak.

Ok. Separation anxiety tu apa?

Separation anxiety ni, in a simple malay sentence, kira macam peringkat perkembangan emosi normal bayi yang bermula bila bayi mula faham yang benda/orang sekeliling adalah wujud walaupun dia sendiri tak ada di tempat kejadian. Kiranya, macam bila dia dah start kenal/tahu yang semua yang ada di keliling dia tetap akan ada walaupun dia tak nampak, bermula la separation anxiety nih..

Bila biasanya berlaku?

Anak-anak/bayi biasanya mampu menunjukkan tanda-tanda separation anxiety ni seawal 6 atau 7 bulan, tapi yang paling kritikal, biasanya di antara 10 ke 18 bulan.
Biasanya, separation anxiety ni berlaku bila mommy atau daddy tinggalkan anak-anak ni. Macam kes saya, ke dapur sekejap untuk letak ikan dalam kuali pun dia punya menangis macam kena dera, airmata menjejes sampai tak sanggup nak tengok. 
Sudahnya, saya kendong dia sambil masak. -_-"
Anak-anak kecil ini jugak, boleh mengalami separation anxiety di waktu malam. Bilamana ibu ayah dah mula asingkan tempat tidur dia. Huhuhu.
Biasanya, da ok bila umur dia 2 tahun. Fuhhh. Lama tu..

Apa simpton-simpton dia?
• Your baby is very clingy and wants to be in your proximity all the time (preferably in your arms).  Yes, she is.
• Your baby protests and gets upset if you get out of sight, for instance, leave the room.
Yes, she is.
• If you are the primary caregiver, your baby wants you and no-one else, not even other close caregivers.
Nope, I am not a caregiver. =)
• Your baby wakes up anxious at night and wants your comfort.
Yes, she is.
• When your baby is upset because of not being in your proximity, he or she will quickly calm down when you reunite in your arms.
Yes, very obvious. Haaaa.. Ibu datang je, terus diam, sengih-sengih. Oh Anak!
• Your baby is uncomfortable around strangers and may even fear them.
• Your baby is crying for you when you leave him or her in day care or with a babysitter.
Very true.

Kalau mommies semua ada experienced all those listed symptoms, naaaahhhhh... separation anxiety is there. Haha.

Jangan risau ye, western studies ada mentioned that separation anxiety ni is a healthy sign in child, and it shows that your child is getting smart. Hoyeayyy!

Good news pasal separation anxiety ni adalah,
It's a positive, healthy sign: Baby separation anxiety is an absolutely normal and healthy phase of child development.
It will lessen and pass: Each baby is different, but typical baby separation anxiety is said to occur somewhere between 7-18 months and last about 2-5 months.
Your baby is securely attached to you (secure attachment is a term from attachment theory: The fact that your baby wants you all the time means that you've done a great job. Your bond is strong and healthy. Your baby associates you with security and love and feels 'whole' when you are together.

This need to closely bond with you lasts all through childhood but changes in character as your child grows older - see attachment behaviour throughout the ages and stages of child development.
Your baby is getting smart: Your baby's brain is really on the fast track now. Your baby has discovered that he or she can affect the world with his or her actions; 'I cry, Mom comes!'. This is a great step, 'but' it also means ...
Your baby is starting to remember: Before your baby was completely living in the now; No recollection of the past and no anticipation of the future. Now your baby remembers that you were there a minute ago but your're not here now. Your baby is now doing abstract thinking, wow! Your baby can now create an image of something not present, in this case, you! (This step in child development is called object permanence - the object remains in your baby's mind, so to speak). 

Semua good news ni dan info-info tertentu, saya extract dari sini.

How to handle, mommies boleh baca dekat link tadi ye.
And now, saya dah nak gi amek anak kat school since sekarang dah pandai if kita ambik lambat, bad mood la sampai ke sudah. Haih anak. Makin bijak, makin cheeky.

Ada masa, saya cerita lagi macam mana separation anxiety cik Alya ni ye.

See you Mommies!   


Shakina Farhan said...

Rasa mcm shahadah chinta pn akn jd gitu..lg2 bila da duduk bintulu xjumpa org dok jumpa mama n papa die je..

Wawa said...

Ooooo. Annaila pun same jugak la. Mama nye nak mandi pun kena bukak pintu bilik air bagi dia nampak mak nye ni. Kalau tak menjerit bukan main lagi.

Kalau nak anta umah mil n mak pun, die dah start nak melekat dgn ktorg je. tp belum tahap menjerit2 lagi. baru start enjin n klu dipujuk ok cuma muke cebik cket.

ashra said...


Samalah aaron.sejak 8 bulan...separation anxiety makin menjadi jadi....
Mmg kadang tak leh nak buat keje...bagi lah mainan ke,aleesya layan agah pun,tak mau die.nangis pekik nak gak kita dgn die dukung...

Sabar sabar......

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