Thursday, May 26, 2016


Assalamualaikum and hi readers... Sorry for a long hiatus period. Hahaha.
Yeah. It’s quite long time ago since I published my last post, isn’t it? Why?

Ah-ha… I’m very busy with my research work (literally), being mentally stressed by delayed lab work… And… getting healthier with my new lifestyle. Hihihi. Yes, I am now changing my lifestyle by changing my eating style and Alhamdulillah, managed to shred few kgs.

When losing some kgs, definitely changing the size, right..? And changing the size means you need to find the suitable attire which maintain the syari’ah compliance and suits you well..

It cannot be denied that the fashion industry has grown these past few years putting focus on the Islamic community especially muslimah women. All the hijabista’s out there can now be stylish and trendy in everything they pull on. Who says you cannot be fashionable and still maintain that modest appearance even if you are not in the petite size or you are in the plus size? For the muslimah women who have losing some kgs and have no idea how to pull a stylish yet modest muslimah’s attire look ideas, take a look at these three fashion piece below.

1. The Maxi Skirt 
Maxi skirts have been in fashion for centuries and it is the perfect go-to bottom for every muslimah women. It can be easily dressed up and down. Go simple by matching it with a plain top or be more glamourous by adding a jacket on with some accessories. I love maxi skirt so much! It is suitable for both petite and plus size and it is convenience and ready-solat attire (as long as you match it with the suitable tops, of course..hihihi). My daily attire must include this maxi skirt...

2. The Maxi Dress 
Maxi dresses are a must-have fashion piece for me and any hijabista to own in their closet at home. Why? It is great to be flaunted to various occasions from weddings, dates, dinner parties, work and even to lab or class. It gives me that elegant yet still manages a modest appearance with style. Maxi dresses always have that certain something that makes women look feminine and sweetly innocent (me? Innocent? Hahaha.. READ : DECENT)

To be honest, I no longer wear ‘baju kurung’ after I got pregnant with miss AA.

Maxi dress or Jubah/Abaya is more comfortable compared to baju kurung because of its one-piece-type (maybe). You will understand me when u once got a small kid to handle.. Hahaha..

My fav.olive jubbah (that’s not my latest pic, FYI.. HAHAHA) 
3. The Palazzo Pants
And the last one is…. Palazzo pants which I called it twin sister of maxi skirt.. Hahaha..
If you are someone who prefers a classy look but still feel comfortable in, palazzo pants is the way to go. Palazzo pants give me that mature look (?) and it is comfortable to walk around in. Simply match it with a nice tops (syari’ah compliance, of course) and walk with confidence lush comfort everywhere you go.
Turn the muslimah fashion into a modern level and be proud of your look… Yeahhh..

My fav royal blue palazzo and obviously that’s not my latest pic, FYI AGAIN. 
I am not that ‘kurus’ for the time being.. hahaha 

 So, what are you waiting for, hijabista? Go and get your modern muslimah attire at ZALORA now! They have lots of latest modest fashion for you to grab.. J Happy shopping!

Obviously, I’ll get mine soon.. For Aidilfitri, maybe.. Till we meet again.. Daaaa.. Assalamualaikum..

1 comment:

Orked said...

same la! sya skrg byk skirt pasal senang plus cepat. pastu nak match senang. tak yah risaw singkat la ape.

zalora not bad.

tp sya prefer poplook. murah sikit. sikit je la. plus selalu buat 10-15% discount / promo :)

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